Important role of tissue angiotensin-converting enzyme activity in the pathogenesis of coronary vascular and myocardial structural changes induced by long-term blockade of nitric oxide synthesis in rats.
Takemoto M, Egashira K, Usui M, Numaguchi K, Tomita H, Tsutsui H, Shimokawa H, Sueishi K, Takeshita A.
J Clin Invest 99(2): 278-287 1997

Tissue distribution and subcellular localization of rabbit liver metalloendopeptidase.
Nakagawa K, Kawabata S, Nakashima Y, Iwanaga S, Sueishi K.
J Histochem Cytochem 45(1): 41-47 1997

The immediate early gene of human cytomegalovirus stimulates vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation in vitro and in vivo.
Yonemitsu Y, Kaneda Y, Komori K, Hirai K, Sugimachi K, Sueishi K.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun 231(2): 447-451 1997

Immunohistochemical distribution of vascular endothelial growth factor in the human placenta associated with hydrops fetalis.
Shiraishi S, Kinukawa N, Nakano H, Sueishi K.
Pediatr Pathol Lab Med 17(1): 65-81 1997

Inflammatory cytokines cause coronary arteriosclerosis-like changes and alterations in the smooth-muscle phenotypes in pigs.
Fukumoto Y, Shimokawa H, Ito A, Kadokami T, Yonemitsu Y, Aikawa M, Owada K, Egashira K, Sueishi K, Nagai R, Yazaki Y, Takeshita A.
J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 29(2): 222-231 1997

Expression of vascular endothelial growth factor in experimental choroidal neovascularization.
Ishibashi T, Hata Y, Yoshikawa H, Nakagawa K, Sueishi K, Inomata H.
Graefe's Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 235: 159-167 1997

Atherosclerosis and angiogenesis. Its pathophysiological significance in humans as well as in an animal model induced by the gene transfer of vascular endothelial growth factor.
Sueishi K, Yonemitsu Y, Nakagawa K, Kaneda Y, Kumamoto M, Nakashima Y.
Ann NY Acad Sci 811: 311-324 1997

Wild-type p53 gene transfer : A novel therapeutic strategy for neointimal hyperplasia after arterial injury.
Yonemitsu Y, Kaneda Y, Hata Y, Nakashima Y, Sueishi K
Ann NY Acad Sci 811: 395-400 1997

Inflammatory aortitis associated with rheumatoid arthritis.
Mimura K, Sueishi K, Kinjo M, Iyama K, Nawata H, Hara Y.
Jpn J Constitutional Med 59(2): 50-57 1997

HVJ(Sendai virus) - cationic liposomes: a novel and potentially effective liposome- mediated technique for gene transfer to the airway epithelium.
Yonemitsu Y, Kaneda Y, Muraishi A, Yoshizumi T, Sugimachi K, Sueishi K.
Gene Ther 4(7): 631-638 1997

Histopathologic alterations of retinacular vessels and osteonecrosis.
Hirano K, Tsutsui H, Sugioka Y, Sueishi K.
Clin Orthop Relat Res 342: 192-204 1997

Pancreatic tumor formed by infiltration of adult T-cell leukemia cells.
Mizumoto K, Suehara N, Ohuchida J, Kitada H, Naritomi G, Ogawa Y, Ohshima K, Sueishi K, Tanaka M.
Int J Pancreatol 21(3): 253-257 1997

Characterization of amiodarone pneuomonitis as related to inflammatory cells and surfactant apoprotein.
Nagata N, Suematsu R, Yoshii C, Miyazaki H, Sueishi K, Kido M.
Chest 112(4): 1068-1074 1997

Effects of pulse methylprednisolone on bone and marrow tissues. :Corticosteroid-induced osteonecrosis in rabbits.
Yamamoto T, Irisa T, Sugioka Y, Sueishi K. 
Arthritis Rheum 40(11): 2055-2064 1997

Chronic angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition and angiotensin II type 1 receptor blockade. Effects on cardiovascular remodeling in rats induced by the long-term blockade of nitric oxide synthesis.
Takemoto M, Egashira K, Tomita H, Usui M, Okamoto H, Kitabatake A, Shimokawa H, Sueishi K, Takeshita A.
Hypertension 30(6): 1621-1627 1997

Huge adenomatous goiter reaching the aortic arch with elevated thyroglobulin.
Kohno H, Kira R, Okabe Y, Sueishi K.
J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab 10: 641-644 1997

Histopathological studies on spontaneous vault Moyamoya and revascularized collaterals formed by encephalomyosynangiosis.
Kono S, Oka K, Sueishi K, Sonobe M.
Clin Neurol Neurosurg 99(suppl.2): S209-212 1997

The pathogenesis of osteonecrosis based on animal models.
Yamamoto T, Sueishi K, Sugioka Y.
Osteonecrosis 167-173 1997

Synovial sarcoma arising from the chest wall: MR imaging findings.
Fujimoto K, Hashimoto S, Abe T, Meno S, Terasaki H, Nishimura H, Hayabuchi N.
Radiat Med 15(6): 411-414 1997

Vasculoprotective role of inducible nitric oxide synthase at coronary inflammatory lesions induced by chronic treatment with interleukin-1β in pigs in vivo. 
Fukumoto Y, Shimokawa H, Kozai T, Kadokami T, Kuwata K, Yonemitsu Y, Koga T, Egashira K, Sueishi K, Takeshita A 
Circulation 96(9): 3104-3111 1997


Tokyo Tanabe Quarterly 41: 63-72 1997

中島豊 大動脈解離の臨床病理 IVR誌 12(2): 209-213 1997
居石克夫 I. 血栓形成機序の知識、4. 血管内皮細胞との関連
日本内科学会誌 86(6): 903-910 1997

厚生省特疾免疫疾患調査研究班 平成8年度研究報告書: 54-60 1997

整形外科 48(6): 761-768 1997

脈管学 37(8): 447-453 1997

日界医誌 28(1,2): 74-76 1997

形態学的解析ー病理学の立場から. 血管における生命現象の分子生物学.第1部血管の機能解明のための新しい分子生物学的手法
血管と内皮 7(5): 485-491 1997

平成8年厚生省循環器病研究委託費による研究報告集 平成9年10月: 405 1997

血栓と循環 5(3): 198-205 1997

IVR誌 12(2): 209-213 1997

Medical View Points 18(11): 5-6 1997

血小板と血管細胞のシグナル伝達 155-165 1997

大脳原発 epithelioid hemangioendothelioma の1例
病院病理 15(1): 6 1997

病院病理 15(1): 2 1997

