文部科学省科学研究費特定領域研究「性分化機構の解明」 *


松田 洋一 MATSUDA, Youichi
北海道大学 大学院理学研究院
研究項目A01 「性分化の分子基盤の解析」
研究課題 性決定機構が未解明な動物種における性染色体の構造と性決定関連遺伝子群の解析

Evidence for different origin of sex chromosomes in snakes, birds, and mammals and step-wise differentiation of snake sex chromosomes. Matsubara K, Tarui H, Toriba M, Yamada K, Nishida-Umehara C, Agata K, Matsuda Y.PNAS 103(48):18190-18195, 2006

研究内容概説ーヒト、ニワトリ、ヘビの遺伝的類縁関係を調べる目的で、109の機能遺伝子からな るシマヘビの染色体地図を作製し、Z染色体に連鎖する11の機能遺伝子を見つけ た。これらの遺伝子が全てニワトリとヒトの常染色体に存在することから、ヘビ、鳥 類、哺乳類の性染色体が共通祖先のそれぞれ異なる常染色体に由来することを明らか にした。さらにこれらの遺伝子を旧蛇類のビルマニシキヘビと新蛇類のハブの ZW 染 色体上にマッピングした結果、ヘビ類がもつ性染色体は、ヘビ類の共通の祖先におい て性決定機能をもった性染色体が誕生した後、原始的なボア・ニシキヘビの仲間から 毒ヘビの仲間へ進化する過程で性特異的な染色体に構造変化と欠失が生じ矮小化とヘ テロクロマチン化が進んでいったことが推定された。


Kawai A, Ishijima J, Nishida C, Kosaka A, Ota H, Kohno S and Matsuda Y. The ZW sex chromosomes of Gekko hokouensis (Gekkonidae, Squamata) represent highly conserved homology with those of avian species. Chromosoma 118: 43-51, 2009

Kawagoshi T, Uno Y, Matsubara K, Matsuda Y and Nishida C. The ZW micro-sex chromosomes of the Chinese soft-shelled turtle (Pelodiscus sinensis, Trionychidae, Testudines) have the same origin as chicken chromosome 15. Cytogenet Genome Res. (in press), 2009


Nishida C, Ishijima J, Kosaka A, Tanabe H, Habermann FA, Griffin DK and Matsuda Y. Characterization of chromosome structures of Falconinae (Falconidae, Falconiformes, Aves) by chromosome painting and delineation of chromosome rearrangements during their differentiation. Chromosome Res. 16: 171-181, 2008

Yoshimoto S, Okada E, Umemoto H, Tamura K, Uno Y, Nishida-Umehara C, Matsuda Y, Takamatsu N, Shiba T and Ito M. A W-linked DM-domain gene, DM-W, participates in primary ovary development in Xenopus laevis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 105: 2469-2474, 2008

Kobayashi T, Yamada F, Hashimoto T, Abe S, Matsuda Y and Kuroiwa A. Centromere repositioning in the X chromosome of XO/XO mammals, Ryukyu spiny rat. Chromosome Res. 16: 587-593, 2008

Kuramochi-Miyagawa S, Watanabe T, Gotoh K, Totoki Y, Toyoda A, Ikawa M, Asada N, Kojima K, Yamaguchi Y, Ijiri TW, Hata K, Li E, Matsuda Y, Kimura T, Okabe M, Sakaki Y, Sasaki H and Nakano T. DNA methylation of retrotransposon genes is regulated by Piwi family members MILI and MIWI2 in murine fetal testes. Genes Dev. 22: 908-917, 2008

Uno Y, Nishida C, Noguchi K, Oshima Y, Yokoyama S, Miura I, Matsuda Y and Nakamura M. Comparative chromosome mapping of sex-linked genes and identification of sex chromosomal rearrangements in the Japanese wrinkled frog (Rana rugosa, Ranidae) with ZW and XY sex chromosome systems. Chromosome Res. 16: 637-647, 2008

Ishijima J, Iwabe N, Masuda Y, Watanabe Y and Matsuda Y. Sponge cytogenetics −Mitotic chromosomes of ten species of freshwater sponge. Zool. Sci. 25: 480-486, 2008

Oshima Y, Uno Y, Matsuda Y, Kobayashi T and Nakamura N. Molecular cloning and gene expression of Foxl2 in the frog Rana rugosa. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 159:170-177, 2008

Sakurai N, Maruo K, Haraguchi S, Uno Y, Oshima Y, Tsutsui K, Matsuda Y, Luu-The V, Pelletier G, Vaudry H and Nakamura M. Immunohistochemical detection and biological activities of CYP17 (P450c17) in the indifferent gonad of the frog Rana rugosa. J. Steroid Biochem. Mol. Biol. 112: 5-12, 2008

Uno Y, Nishida C, Yoshimoto S, Ito M, Oshima Y, Yokoyama S, Nakamura M and Matsuda Y. A diversity of sex chromosomal origins in anurans inferred from comparative mapping of sexual differentiation genes for three anuran species. Chromosome Res. 16: 999-1011, 2008

Matsubara K, Yamada K, Umemoto S, Tsuchiya K, Nishida C and Matsuda Y. Molecular cloning and characterization of repetitive DNA sequences that comprise constitutive heterochromatin of A and B chromosomes of the Korean field mouse (Apodemus peninsulae, Muridae, Rodentia). Chromosome Res. 16: 1013-1026, 2008

Kawagoshi T, Nishida C, Ishijima J, Ota H, Kumazawa Y, Endo H and Matsuda Y. Molecular structures of centromeric heterochromatin and karyotypic evolution in the Siamese crocodile (Crocodylus siamensis) (Crocodylidae, Crocodilia). Chromosome Res. 16: 1119-1132, 2008


K. Yamada, E. Kamimura, M. Kondo, K. Tsuchiya, C. Nishida-Umehara, Y. Matsuda. New families of site-specific repetitive DNA sequences that comprise constitutive heterochromatin of the Syrian hamster (Mesocricetus auratus, Cricetinae, Rodentia). Chromosoma 115, 36-49, 2006

XO. L.A. Scott, A. Kuroiwa, Y. Matsuda, H.A. Wichman. X accumulation of LINE-1 retrotransposons in Tokudaia osimensis, a spiny rat with the karyotype Cytogenet. Genome Res. 112, 261-269, 2006

Y. Oshima, T. Kato, D. Wang, T. Murakami, Y. Matsuda,Y. Nagahama, M. Nakamura. Promoter activity and chromosomal location of the Rana rugosa P450 aromatase (P450arom) gene. Zool. Sci. 23, 79-85, 2006.

S. Kuraku, J. Ishijima, C. Nishida-Umehara, K. Agata, S. Kuratani, Y. Matsuda. cDNA-based gene mapping and GC3 profiling in soft-shelled turtle suggests chromosome size-dependent GC-bias shared by sauropsids. Chromosome Res. 14, 187-202, 2006

K. Yamada, C. Nishida-Umehara, J. Ishijima, T. Murakami, M. Shibusawa, K. Tsuchiya, M. Tsudzuki, Y. Matsuda. A novel family of repetitive DNA sequences amplified site-specifically on the W chromosomes in Neognathous birds. Chromosome Res. (in press)


K. Yamada, C. Nishida-Umehara, Y. Matsuda Molecular and cytogenetic characterization of site-specific repetitive DNA sequences in the Chinese soft-shelled turtle (Pelodiscus sinensis, Trionychidae). Chromosome Res. 13, 33-46, 2005

Y. Matsuda, C. Nishida-Umehara, H. Tarui, A. Kuroiwa, K. Yamada, T. Isobe, J. Ando, A. Fujiwara, Y. Hirao, O. Nishimura, J. Ishijima, A. Hayashi, T. Saito, T. Murakami, Y. Murakami, S. Kuratani, K. Agata. Highly conserved linkage homology between birds and turtles: birds and turtle chromosomes are precise counterparts of each other. Chromosome Res. 13, 601-615, 2005

T. Ijiri, T. Nagase, Y. Matsuda Isolation and characterization of novel testis-specific genes from mouse pachytene spermatocyte-enriched cDNA library. Reprod. Med. Biol. 4, 231-237, 2005


Kuramochi-Miyagawa, S., Kimura, T., Ijiri, T., Asada, N., Fujita, Y., Ikawa, M., Isobe, T., Iwai, N., Okabe, M., Deng, W., Lin, H., Matsuda, Y. and Nakano, T.: mili, a mammalian member of piwi family gene, is essential for spermatogenesis. Development 131:839-849 (2004).

Masabanda, J. S., Burt, D. W., O'Brien, P. C., Vignal, A., Fillon, V., Walsh, P. S., Cox, H., Tempest, H. G., Smith, J., Habermann, F., Schmid, M., Matsuda, Y., Ferguson-Smith, M.A., Crooijmans, R. P., Groenen, M. A. and Griffin, D. K.: Molecular cytogenetic definition of the chicken genome: the first complete avian karyotype. Genetics 166:1367-73 (2004).

Shibusawa, M., Nishibori, M., Nishida-Umehara, C., Tsudzuki, M., Masabanda, J., Griffin, D. K. and Matsuda, Y.: Karyotypic evolution in the Galliformes: An examination of the process of karyotypic evolution by comparison of the molecular cytogenetic findings with the molecular phylogeny. Cytogenetic and Genome Research 106:111-119 (2004).

Matsubara, K., Nishida-Umehara, C., Tsuchiya, K., Nukaya, D. and Matsuda, Y.: Karyotypic evolution inferred from comparative FISH analyses in Apodemus (Muridae, Rodentia). Chromosome Research 12:383-395 (2004).