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誌 名
?Phase II study to investigate the efficary, safety, and pharmacokinetics of Sorafenib in Japanese patients with advanced renal cell carcinoma. Akaza H, Tsukamoto T, Murai M, Nakajima K, Naito S:
    Jpn J Clin Oncol 37 (10): 755-762, 2007
Comparison of standard and hand-assised laparoscopic radical nephrectomy for renal cell carcinoma. Harano M, Eto M, Yokomizo A, Tatsugami K, Hamaguchi M, Naito S: Fukuoka Acta Med 98 (11): 389-396, 2007
Current status of endocrine therapy for prostate cancer in Japan - analysis of primary androgen deprivation therapy on the basis of data collected by J-CaP. Hinotsu S, Akaza H, Usami M, Ogawa O, Kagawa S, Kitamura T, Tsukamoto T, Naito S, Namiki M, Hirao Y, Murai M, Yamanaka H, and The Japanese Study Group of Cancer (J-CaP): Jpn J Clin Oncol 37 (10): 775-781, 2007
Association analysis of glutathione-S-transferase P1 (GSTP1) polymorphisim with urothelial cancer susceptibility and myelosuppression after M-VAC chemotherapy. Yokomizo A, Yamamoto K, Kinukawa N, Tsunoda T, Koga H, Naito S: Int J Urol 14 (6): 500-504, 2007
STAT3 polymorphism predicts interferon-alfa response in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma. Ito N, Eto M, Nakamura E, TakahashiA, Tsukamoto T, Toma H, Nakazawa H, Hirao Y, Uemura H, Kagawa S, Kanayama H, Nose Y, Kinukawa N, Nakamura T, Jinnai N, Seki T, Takamatsu M, Masui Y, Naito S, Ogawa O: J Clin Oncol 25 (19): 2785-2791, 2007
Efficacy and safety of gemcitabine monotherapy in patients with transitional cell carcinoma after Cisplatin-containing therapy: a Japanese experience. Akaza H, Naito S, Usami M, Miki T, Miyanaga N, Taniai H, the Japanese Gemcitabine Study Group: Jpn J Clin Oncol 37 (3): 201-206, 2007
Dietary isoflavones may protect against prostate cancer in Japanese men. Nagata Y, Sonoda T, Mori M, Miyanaga N, Okumura K, Goto K, Naito S, Fujimoto K, Hirao Y, Takahashi A, Tsukamoto T, Akaza H: J Nutr 137 (8): 1974-1979, 2007
Prevalence of renal cell carcinoma: A nation-wide survey in Japan, 2002 Marumo K, Kanayama H, Miyao N, Nakazawa H, Ozono S, Horie S, Nagamori S, Igarashi T, Hasegawa M, Kimura G, Nakao M, Nakamoto T, Naito S: The Japanese Study Group Against Renal Cancer Int J Urol 14 (6): 479-482, 2007
Oxidative stress and DNA hypermethylation status in renal cell carcinoma arising in patients on dialysis. Hori Y, Oda Y, Kiyoshima K, Yamada Y, Nakashima Y, Naito S, Tsuneyoshi M: J Pathol 212 (2): 218-226, 2007
Cyclophosphamide-using nonmyeloablative allogeneic cell therapy against renal cancer with a reduced risk of graft-versus-host disease. Eto M, Harano M, Tatsugami K, Harada M, Kamiryo Y, Kiyoshima K, Hamaguchi M, Tsuneyoshi M, Yoshikai Y, Naito S: Clin Cancer Res 13 (3): 1029-1035, 2007
A pilot study of the assessment of the quality of life, functional results, and complications in patients with an ileal neobladder for invasive bladder cancer. Harano M, Eto M, Nakamura M, Hasegawa Y, Kano M, Yamaguchi A, Naito S: Int J Urol 14 (2): 112-117, 2007
Bicalutamide 80mg combined with a luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone agonist (LHRH-A) versus LHRH-A monotherapy in advanced prostate cancer: findings from a phase III randomized, double-blind, multicenter trial in Japanese patients. Usami M, Akaza H, Arai Y, Hirano Y, Kagawa S, Kanetake H, Naito S, Sumiyoshi Y, Takimoto Y, Terai A, Yoshida H, Ohashi Y: Prostate Cancer Prostatic Dis 10: 1-8, 2007
Holmium laser enucleation of the prostate: Comparison of the outcomes according to the prostate size in a series of 97 Japanese patients. Seki N, Tatsugami K, Naito S: J Endourol 21 (2): 192-196, 2007
Training of robotic surgery in Kyushu University Hospital. Eto M, Ieiri S, Tanoue K, Hashizume M, Naito S Recent Advances in Endourology Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Meeting of EASE 10: 6-14, 2007
Broadcast of live endoscopic surgery from Korea to Japan using the digital video transport system. Eto M, Lee TY, Gill IS, Koga H, Tatsugami K, Shimizu S, Ukimura O, Naito S: J Endourol 21 (12): 1517-1520, 2007
Infectious Disease
Effects of flavoxate hydrochloride on voltage-dependent Ba2+ currents in human detrusor myocytes at different experimental temperatures. Tomoda T, Zhu HL, Iwasa K, Aishima M, Shibata A, Seki N, Naito S, Teramoto N:
    Naunyu Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol 376 (3): 195-203, 2007
Holmium laser enucleation of the prostate: Comparison of the outcomes according to the prostate size in a series of 102 Japanese patients. Seki N, Mochida O, Tatsugami K, Naito S: Recent Advances in Endourology Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Meeting of EASE 10: 114-120, 2007
RhoA/Rho kinase-mediated Ca2+ sensitization in the contraction of human prostate. Takahashi R, Nishimura J, Seki N, Yunoki T, Tomoda T, Kanaide H, Naito S: Neurourol Urodyn 26 (4): 547-551, 2007
Dimethyl sulphoxide relaxes rabbit detrusor muscle by decreasing the Ca2+ sensitivity of the contractile apparatus. Shiga K-i, Hirano K, Nishimura J, Niiro N, Naito S, Kanaide H: Br J Pharmacol 151 (7): 1014-1024, 2007
Analysis of the prognostic factors for overactive bladder syndrome following surgical treatment in patients with symptomatic benign prostatic enlargement. Seki N, Takei M, Yamaguchi A, Naito S: Neurourol Urodyn 26 (5): 682-683, 2007
Association among the symptoms, quality of life and urodynamic parameters in patients with improved lower urinary tract symptoms following a transurethral resection of the prostate. Seki N, Yunoki T, Tomoda T, Takei M, Yamaguchi A, Naito S: Neurourol Urodyn, 2007 (Web Publication)
平成17年度福岡市ミニドックおよび市民公開講座における前立腺がん検診. 古賀寛史、宮崎良春、辻 祐治、角田和之、長谷川淑博、吉峰一博、舩津雅夫、柳 宗賢、田原春夫、後藤 健、入江慎一郎、内藤誠二、妹尾康平、山口秋人: 福岡市医報 48 (1): 1-8, 2007
九州沖縄地区における再燃前立腺癌治療の実態. 藤本直浩、松本哲朗、古賀寛史、内藤誠二、入江慎一郎、野口正典、魚住二郎、酒井英樹、金武 洋、三股浩光、濱田泰之、蓮井良浩、西山賢龍、中川昌之、諸角誠人 西日泌尿 69 (2): 45-54, 2007
進行前立腺癌に対するMAB療法の費用対効果分析. 西村周三、荒井陽一、宇佐美道之、金武 洋、内藤誠二、赤座英之: 癌と化療 34 (4): 589-595, 2007
日本における臨床的限局性前立腺癌の病理病期予測;日米の違い−限局性前立腺癌の臨床病理研究会(CRPC)からの報告−. 黒岩顕太郎、白石泰三、絹川直子、安徳恭彰、後藤 健、内藤誠二: 第33回尿路悪性腫瘍研究会記録 : 17-23, 2007
生検と全摘標本での病理診断の関連について(日本版Nomogram登録症例の検討から). 白石泰三、内田克典、小塚裕司、黒岩顕太郎、内藤誠二、CRPC研究会: 泌尿外 20 (8): 975-977, 2007
九州地方における腎血管筋脂肪腫の臨床的検討. 古賀成彦、金武 洋、内藤誠二、古賀寛史、中川昌之、川原元司、小川由英、菅谷公男、真崎善二郎、魚住二郎、上田昭一、吉田正貴、長田幸夫、蓮井良浩、田中正利、大島一寛、平塚義治、松岡 啓、宮原 茂、野口正典、野村芳雄、三股浩光、松本哲朗、藤本直浩: 西日泌尿 69 (12): 699-706, 2007
2次検診施設の精度管理−2次検診施設の均一な精度管理を如何にして行うか−2次検診結果と個人情報保護−2次検診結果集計過程で個人情報保護は障害となっているか−. 古賀寛史、山口秋人、宮崎良春、内藤誠二: 泌尿外 20 (8): 1121-1123, 2007
〒812-8582 福岡市東区馬出3-1-1 九州大学大学院医学研究院泌尿器科学分野 092-642-5615(外来)
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