文部科学省科学研究費特定領域研究「性分化機構の解明」 *


倉永 英里奈 KURANAGA, Erina
東京大学 大学院薬学系研究科
研究項目A03 「性分化異常症の解析」
研究課題 細胞死シグナルによる外部生殖器形成機構の遺伝学的解析(平成17年度〜平成18年度)


Tonoki, A., Kuranaga. E., Tomioka, T., Hamazaki, J., Murata, S., Tanaka, K., and *Miura, M. “Genetic evidence linking age-dependent attenuation of the 26S proteasome with aging process.” Mol. Cell Biol. 29, 1095-1106, 2009


Takemoto, K., Kuranaga, E., Tonoki, A., Nagai, T., Miyawaki, A., and *Miura, M. “Local initiation of caspase activation in Drosophila salivary gland programmed cell death in vivo.” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 104, 13367-13372, 2007

Ribeiro, PS., Kuranaga, E., Tenev, T., Leulier, F., Miura, M., *Meier, P. “DIAP2 functions as a mechanism-based regulator of drICE that contributes to the caspase activity threshold in living cells.” J Cell Biol. 179, 1467-1480, 2007

Xue, L., Igaki, T., Kuranaga, E., Kanda, H., Miura, M., and *Xu, T. “Tumor Suppressor CYLD regulates JNK-induced cell death in Drosophila.” Developmental Cell 13, 446-454, 2007

Kuranaga, E., and *Miura, M. “Nonapoptotic functions of caspases: caspases as regulatory molecules for immunity and cell-fate determination.” Trends Cell Biol. 17, 135-144, 2007


Kuranaga, E., Kanuka, H., Tonoki, A., Takemoto, K., Tomioka, T., Kobayashi, M., Hayashi, S., and *Miura, M. “Drosophila IKK-related kinase regulates nonapoptotic function of caspases via degradation of IAPs.” Cell 126, 583-896, 2006

Oshima, K., Takeda, M., Kuranaga, E., Ueda, R., Aigaki, T., Miura, M., and *Hayashi, S. “IKK epsilon regulates F actin assembly and interacts with Drosophila IAP1 in cellular morphogenesis.” Curr. Biol. 16, 1531-1537, 2006

Kondo, S., Senoo-Matsuda, N., Hiromi, Y., and *Miura, M. “DRONC coordinates cell death and compensatory proliferation.” Mol. Cell Biol. 26, 7258-7268 2006


Kanuka, H., Kuranaga, E., Takemoto, K., Hiratou, T., Okano, H., and Miura, M. “Drosophila caspase transduces Shaggy/GSK-3β kinase activity in neural precuorsor development.” EMBO J. 24, 3793-3806, 2005

Kanuka, H., Hiratou, T., Igaki, T., Kanda, H., Kuranaga, E., Sawamoto, K., Aigaki, T., and Miura, M. “Gain-of-function screen identifies a role of the Sec61a translocon in Drosophila postmitotic neurotoxicity.” Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 1726, 225-237, 2005

Nelson, B., Nishimura, S., Kanuka, H., Kuranaga, E., Inoue, M., Hori, G., Nakahara, H., and Miura, M. “Isolation of gene sets affected specifically by polyglutamine expression: implication of the TOR signaling pathway in neurodegeneraton.” Cell Death Differ. 12, 1115-1123, 2005

Kuranaga E, Miura M. “Genetic approaches for the identification of apoptotic components.” Med. Mol. Morphol. 38, 18-22, 2005