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Suzuki,K., Haraguchi,R., Ogata,T., Barbieri,O., Alegria,O., Vieux-Rochas,M., Nakagata,N., Ito,M., Mills,A., Kurita,T., Levi,G. and Yamada,G*. Abnormal urethra formation in mouse models of Split-hand/split-foot malformation type 1 and type 4. Eur J Hum Genet.(European Journal of Human Genetics), in press

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Ohta,S., Suzuki,K., Tachibana,K., Tanaka,H. and Yamada,G. Cessation of gastrulation is mediated by suppression of Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) at the Ventral ectodermal ridge. Development in press

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Haraguchi,R., Motoyama,J., Sasaki,H., Satoh,Y., Miyagawa,S., Nakagata,N., Moon,A. and Yamada,G. Molecular analysis of coordinated bladder and urogenital organ formation by Hedgehog signaling. Development 134, 525-533, 2007 doi: 10.1242/dev.02736

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Miyagawa,S., Satoh,Y., Haraguchi,R., Suzuki,K., Iguchi,T., Taketo,M.M., Nakagata,N., Matsumoto,T., Takeyama,KI., Kato,S. and and Yamada,G. Genetic interactions of the Androgen and Wnt/$B&B(B-catenin Pathways for the Masculinization of External Genitalia. Mol.Endocrinol., in press

Suzuki,K., Yamaguchi,Y., Villacorte,M., Mihara,M., Akiyama,M., Shimizu,H., Taketo,M.M., Nakagata,N., Tsukiyama,T., Yamaguchi,T.P., Birchmeier,W., Kato,S. and Yamada,G. Embryonic hair follicle fate change by augmented $B&B(B-catenin through Shh and Bmp signaling. Development, 136, 367-372, 2009


Aoto,K., Shikata,Y., Imai,H., Matsumaru,D., Tokunaga,T., Shioda,S., Yamada,G. and Motoyama,J. Mouse Shh is required for prechordal plate maintenance during brain and craniofacial Morphogenesis. Dev Biol. , 2008, in press

He,F., Xiong,W., Yu,X., Espinoza-Lewis,R., Liu,C., Gu,S., Nishita,M., Suzuki,K., Yamada,G., Minami,Y. and Chen,YP. Wnt5a regulates directional cell migration and cell proliferation via Ror2-mediated noncanonical pathway in mammalian palate development. Development. 135, 3871-3879, 2008

Inagaki,M., Omori,E., Kim, JY., Komatsu,Y., Scott,G., Ray,M.K., Yamada,G., Matsumoto,M., Mishina,Y. and Ninomiya-TsujiJ. TAK1 binding protein 1, TAB1, mediates osmotic stress-induced TAK1 activation but is dispensable for TAK1-mediated cytokine signaling. J Biol Chem. 283, 33080-33086, 2008

Wada,Y., Takahashi,W., Latifpour,J., Weiss,R.M., Matsumoto,K., Matsui,K., Yamada,G. and Imamura,T. Prostate expression of endothelins and their receptors in rat growth. Reprod Fertil Dev. 20, 750-759, 2008

Inagaki,M., Komatsu,Y., Scott,G., Yamada,G., Ray,M., Ninomiya-Tsuji,J and Mishina,Y. Generation of a conditional mutant allele for Tab1 in mouse. Genesis, 46, 431-439, 2008

Nishida,H., Miyagawa,S., Vieux-Rochas,M., Morini,M., Ogino,Y., Suzuki,K., Nakagata,N., Choi,HS., Levi,G. and Yamada,G. Positive regulation of steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (StAR) gene expression through the interaction between Dlx and GATA-4 for testicular steroidogenesis. Endocrinology, 149, 2090-2097, 2008

Suzuki,K., Haraguchi,R., Ogata,T., Barbieri,O., Alegria,O., Vieux-Rochas,M., Nakagata,N., Ito,M., Mills,A., Kurita,T., Levi,G. and Yamada,G. Abnormal urethra formation in mouse models of Split-hand/split-foot malformation type 1 and type 4. Eur J Hum Genet., 16, 36-44, 2008

Ohnishi,N., Yuasa,H., Tanaka,S., Sawa,H., Miura,M., Matsui,A., Higashi,H., Musashi,M., Iwabuchi,K., Suzuki,M., Yamada,G., Azuma,T. and Hatakeyama,M. Transgenic expression of Helicobacter pylori CagA induces gastrointestinal and hematopoietic neoplasms in mouse. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA., 105, 1003-1008, 2008


Suzuki,K., Haraguchi,R., Ogata,T., Barbieri,O., Alegria,O., Vieux-Rochas,M., Nakagata,N., Ito,M., Mills,A., Kurita,T., Levi,G. and Yamada,G*. Abnormal urethra formation in mouse models of Split-hand/split-foot malformation type 1 and type 4. Eur J Hum Genet.(European Journal of Human Genetics), in press

Ohta,S., Suzuki,K., Tachibana,K., Tanaka,H. and Yamada,G. Cessation of gastrulation is mediated by suppression of Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) at the Ventral ectodermal ridge. Development in press

Haraguchi,R., Motoyama,J., Sasaki,H., Satoh,Y., Miyagawa,S., Nakagata,N., Moon,A. and Yamada,G. Molecular analysis of coordinated bladder and urogenital organ formation by Hedgehog signaling. Development 134, 525-533, 2007

Takada,I., Mihara,M, Suzawa,M., Ohtake,F., Kobayashi,S., Igarzashi,M., Youn,MY., Takeyama,KI., Nakamura,T., Mezaki,Y., Takezawa,S., Yogiashi,Y., Kitagawa,H., Yamada,G., Takada,S., Minami,Y., Shibuya,H., Matsumoto,K. and Kato,S. A histone lysine methyltransferase activated by non-canonical Wnt signalling suppresses PPAR-gamma transactivation. Nat Cell Biol., 11, 1273-1285, 2007

Little,M.H., Brennan,J., Georgas,K., Davies,J.A., Davidson,D.R., Baldock,R.A., Beverdam,A., Bertram,J.F., Capel,B., Chiu,H.S., Clements,D., Cullen-McEwen,L., Fleming,J., Gilbert,T., Houghton,D., Kaufman,M.H. Kleymenova,E., Koopman,P.A., Lewis,A.G., McMahon,A.P., Mendelsohn,C.L., Mitchell,E.K., Rumballe,B.A., Sweeney,D.E., Valerius,M.T., Yamada,G., Yang,Y. and Yu,J.: A high-resolution anatomical ontology of the developing murine genitourinary tract. Gene Expr Patterns, 7, 680-699, 2007

Wada,Y., Takahashi,W., Latifpour,J., Yamada,G., Kai,N., Honda,J., Nakanishi,J. and Weiss,RM. Regional differences in the functional and biochemical properties of endothelin receptor subtypes in the rabbit prostatic urethra. BJU Int. 100, 430-437, 2007

Miyado,M., Ogi,H., Yamada,G., Kitoh,J., Jogahara,T., Oda,S., Sato,I., Miyado,K., Sunohara,M. Sonic hedgehog expression during early tooth development in Suncus murinus. Biochem Biophys Res Commun., 363, 269-275, 2007


Izu,A., Kumai,T., Tohno,Y., Tohno,S., Minami,T., Yamada,G. and Yamada MI. Intake to Vertebral Columns of Mice After Dietary Supply. Biol Trace Elem Res. 113, 297-316, 2006

G. Yamada, K. Suzuki, R. Haraguchi, S. Miyagawa, Y. Satoh, M. Kamimura, N. Nakagata, H. Kataoka, A. Kuroiwa, Y.P. Chen Molecular genetic cascades for external genitalia formation: an emerging organogenesis program. Dev. Dyn. 235, 1738-1752, 2006

H. Katoh, Y. Ogino, G. Yamada Cloning and expression analysis of androgen receptor gene in chicken embryogenesis. FEBS Lett. 6, 580, 1607-15, 2006

Fukami,M., Wada,Y., Miyabayashi,K., Nishino,I., Hasegawa,T., Camerino,G., Kretz,C., Buj-Bello,A., Laporte,J., Yamada,G., Morohashi,K. and Ogata,T. CXorf6 is a causative gene for hypospadias. Nat Genet. 38, 1369-71. 2006

T. Kumai, G. Yamada, Y. Takekura, Y. Tohno, M. Benjamin Trace Elements in Human Tendons and Ligaments. Biol. Trace Elem. Res. (in press)

P. Sharpe, S. Ohta, K. Suzuki, M. Kamimura, Y. Norikoshi, Y. Zhang, N. Nakagata, K. Tachibana, G. Yamada Efficient Gene Transduction Technique by Microbubble-Enhanced Sonoporation for embryology. in $B!H(BMolecular Embryology$B!I(B Humana Press. (in press)

T. Friedmann and J. Rossi, S. Ohta, Y. Ogino, K. Suzuki, M. Kamimura, K. Tachibana, G. Yamada Sonoporation; Efficient Gene Transduction Technique for Embryos. In $B!H(BDNA Deliver/Gene Transfer$B!I(B Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. Woodbury, New York. (in press)


Shim,JH., Xiao,C., Paschal,AE., Bailey,ST., Rao,P., Hayden,MS., Lee,KY., Bussey,C., Steckel,M., Tanaka,N., Yamada,G., Akira,S., Matsumoto,K., Ghosh,S. TAK1, but not TAB1 or TAB2, plays an essential role in multiple signaling pathways in vivo. Genes Dev.19(22):2668-81.2005. doi:10.1101/gad.1360605

Tanaka,H., Nagaike.K., Takeda,N., Itoh,H., Kohama,K., Fukushima,T., Miyata,S., Uchiyama,S., Uchinokura,S., Shimomura,T., Miyazawa,K., Kitamura,N., Yamada,G. and Kataoka,H. Hepatocyte Growth Factor Activator Inhibitor Type 1 (HAI-1) is Required for Branching Morphogenesis in the Chorioallantonic Placenta. MCB.25:5687-5698,2005. doi:10.1128/MCB.25.13.5687-5698.2005

Yamada,G. Reproductive/urogenital organ development and the molecular genetic cascades; glamorous developmental processes of bodies. J.Biochem.137(6):665-669,2005.doi:10.1093/jb/mvi085

Kamikawa-Miyado,M., Ogi,H., Ogino, Y., Katoh,H., Suzuki,K., Uemura,M., Kitoh,J., Oda,S. and Yamada,G. The morphological and histological characters of the male external genitalia of the house musk shrew, Suncus murinus. Zoolog Sci. 22:463-8, 2005

Ogi,H., Suzuki,K., Ogino,Y., Kamimura,M., Miyado,M., Ying,X.,Zhang,Z.,Shinohara,M., Chen,YP. and Yamada,G. The ventral abdominal wall dysmorphogenesis of Msx1/Msx2 double-mutant mice. Anatomical Record 31;284A:424-430, 2005

Kuroda,N., Mitani,T., Takeda,N., Ishimaru,N., Arakaki,R., Hayashi,.Y, Bando.,Y, Izumi,K., Takahashi,T., Nomura.,T, Sakaguchi,S., Ueno.T, Takahama,Y., Uchida,D., Sun,S., Kajiura,F., Mouri.,Y, Han,H., Matsushima,A., Yamada,G., and Matsumoto,M. Development of Autoimmunity against Transcriptionally Unrepressed Target Antigen in the Thymus of Aire-Deficient Mice. J.Immunology 174: 1862-1870,2005.

Alappat,SR., Zhang,Z., Suzuki,K., Zhang,X., Liu,H., Jiang,R., Yamada,G. and Chen,Y. The cellular and molecular etiology of the cleft secondary palate in Fgf10 mutant mice. Dev Biol. 277:102-13, 2005.


Ozaki,H., Nakamura,K., Funahashi,J., Ikeda,K., Yamada,G., Tokano,H., Okamura,H., Kitamura,K., Muto,S., Kotaki,H., Sudo,K., Horai,R., Iwakura,Y. and Kawakami,K. Six1 controls patterning of the mouse otic vesicle. Development. 131, 551-562, 2004

Ogino,Y., Katoh,H. and Yamada,G. Androgen dependent development of a modified anal fin, gonopodium, as a model to understand the mechanism of secondary sexual character expression in vertebrates. FEBS Lett. 575:119-26, 2004.

Satoh,Y., Haraguchi,R., Wright,T.J., Mansour,S.L., Partanen,J., Hajihosseini,M.K., Eswarakumar,V.P., Lonai,P., Yamada,G. Regulation of external genitalia development by concerted actions of FGF ligands and FGF receptors. Anat Embryol (Berl). 208:479-86, 2004.

Suzuki,K., Shiota,K., Zhang,Y., Lei,L., Yamada,G. Development of the mouse external genitalia: unique model of organogenesis. Adv Exp Med Biol.545:159-72, 2004.

Tucker,A., Watson,R.P., Lettice,L.A., Yamada,G. and Hill2, R.E. Bapx1regulates patterning in the middle ear: Altered regulatory role in the transition from the proximal jaw during vertebrate evolution. Development 131, 1235-45, 2004.

Itoh,H., Naganuma,S., Takeda,N., Miyata,S., Uchinokura,S., Fukushima,T., Uchiyama,S., Tanaka,H., Nagaike,K., Shimomura,T., Miyazawa,K., Yamada,G., Kitamura,N., Koono,M. and Kataoka,H. Regeneration of injured intestinal mucosa is impaired in hepatocyte growth factor activator-deficient mice. Gastroenterology. 127:1423-35, 2004.