Deadline: August 18, 2008
It may be advanced when the number of participants exceeds the limit of venue. Please register at your earliest convenience.

Registration Fee
Symposium attendant 5,000 yen
This registration fee covers lunch at 14 and 15 Sep and coffee breaks.

The reception fee is 7,000 yen. (5,000 yen for students and postdocs)
The reception is at the 14th evening.

Please pay the registration fee by Japanese YEN at the registration desk.
Receipts will be issued at the Symposium. Cards are not accepted.

Please send these forms to ''.

(Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University)
Copyright(C) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Areas eMechanism of Sex Differentiationf
from The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan. All Rights Reserved.