Kyushu University Shiragikukai is an association for people who are considering donating their own bodies to science after their death. People can register with this association to help the future medical and dental education at Kyushu University
= Words of appreciation =
For medical students and dental students, to observe the delicacy and faculty of the human body and to verify organs which are diseased is extremely important. Donating cadavers to the medical and dental schools has valuable significance not only for giving the foundation of medical knowledge but also for giving awareness of doctors’ responsibility.Donating is a voluntary and noble act with humanity without condition or recompense.People who decided to donate their bodies register with the hospital with their wishes to help educate and turn out great doctors to the world.By touching with the body and soul, students know and learn tender mind of people who leave one’s body to medicine. Awareness of a doctor’s mission, the important responsibility and dignity of life gives unchangeable lesson to the students who aim to be doctors and dentists.Watching students’ attitudes before and after of our anatomical study using cadavers, we realize students have grown beyond our expectations and it becomes our huge incentive.Kyushu University Shiragiku kai was established in 1971. We would like to mention deep gratitude to people who have taken part in Shiragiku kai, who have decided to donate their bodies to medicine and people who have cooperated with us for donating their family member’s body despite their suffering grief at their family member’s death.