International Exchange Programs

International Exchange Programs

Partner Institutions

Partner Institutions Institution / University Effective Date
Academic Student
Asia Korea College of Medicine, Inje University 2007-03-09 2008-06-05
Korea College of Health Science, Korea University   2005-08-17
Korea College of Medicine, Seoul National University 2024-01-18 2024-01-18
China Peking Union Medical College 1984-03-08  
China Medical College of Nanchang University( former Jiangxi Public Medical School) 1984-12-11  
China China Medical University 1984-12-24  
China The Fourth Military Medical University 2000-02-23  
Taiwan College of Medicine, National Taiwan University   2024-02-19
Thailand Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University   2024-03-11
United States College of Medicine, Drexel University 1984-04-30  
United States Kuakini Health System 2017-07-25  
Canada Faculty of Medicine, University of Calgary 2001-11-19  
Europe Finland University of Oulu, Faculty of Medicine 2023-04-01  

Actual achievement of International Exchange

Implementation of international exchange is different each year. The information for the current year is on the notice board.

Student Exchange with Pusan Medical University

【Outline of program】

Medical students of Kyushu University and Pusan University visit each other’s institution and participate in classes (mainly clinical training) at each university. Students interact with teachers at each university during their stay.
The program changed greatly in 2010, and each student can join a different group for clinical practice at Pusan Medical University. The language used is English.

Kyushu Universtiy medical students visited Pusan Medical Universtiy
  • 10th April (Mon)-28th April (Fri) 2017 Participants: 2 medical students
  • 2th April (Sat)-22th April (Fri) 2016 Participants: 2 medical students
  • 29th March (Sun)-25th April (Sat) 2015 Participants: 4 medical students
Pusan Medial students visited Kyushu University
  • 3rd April (Mon)-28th April (Fri) 2023 Participants: 2 medical students
  • 24th April (Mon)-19th May (Fri) 2017 Participants: 3 medical students
  • 9th May (Mon)-27th May (Fri) 2016 Participants: 3 medical students
  • 11th May (Mon)-29th May(Fri) 2015 Participants: 3 medical students

Student Exchange with Inje University

【Outline of program】

Participating in problem-based-learning (PBL) and other classes at Inje University. All students interact with the teachers during their stay.
While staying at Inje University, Kyushu University students participated in a PBL of “kidney and urinary organs” and simulation practice using computers and lay figures.

Kyushu University medical students visited Inje University
  • 10th April (Mon)-28th April (Fri) 2017 Participants: 3 medical students
  • 2th April (Sat)-24th April (Sun) 2016 Participants: 2 medical students
  • 29th May (Sun)-27th April (Sat) 2015 Participants: 4 medical students
Inje University medical students visited Kyushu University
  • 10th April (Mon)-12th May (Fri) 2023 Participants: 3 medical students
  • 8th May (Mon)-2th June (Fri) 2017 Participants: 3 medical students
  • 9th May (Mon)-3th June (Fri) 2016 Participants: 3 medical students
  • 11th May (Mon)-5th June (Fri) 2015 Participants: 3 medical students

Students Exchange with Gyeongsang National University

【Outline of program】

The student exchange program between Kyushu University and Gyeongsang (Keisho) University started in 2009. Students from both universities participate in clinical practice classes and interact with teachers from the other university.

Kyushu University medical students visited Gyeongsang National University
  • 10th April (Mon)-28th April (Fri) 2017 Participants: 2 medical students
  • 2th April (Sat)-23th April (Sun) 2016 Participants: 3 medical students
  • 29th March (Sun)-25th April (Sat) 2015 Participants: 4 medical students
Gyeongsang students visited Kyushu University
  • 23th January (Mon)-17th February (Fri) 2017 Participants: 3 medical students
  • 25th January (Mon)-19th February (Fri) 2016 Participants: 3 medical students
  • 19th January (Mon)-13th February (Fri) 2015 Participants: 3 medical students

Short study program in medical school of British universities

【Outline of program】

On the request of the Japan Medical Education Foundation, Kyushu University holds an on campus screening of candidates. After that students are selected through the foundation’s application in the program.

  • 2014A 5th year medical student of Kyushu University studied at Oxford University.
    3th March (Mon)-28th March (Fri) 2014
  • 2013A 5th year medical student of Kyushu University studied at the Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry
    4th March (Mon)-29th March (Fri) 2013
  • 2012A 5th year medical student of Kyushu University studied at the Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry 
    5th March (Mon)-30th March (Fri) 2012

San Jose State University

To encourage participation in language training (for all undergraduate students) during the summer holidays. This is mainly organized by the international department.

  • 2016
    29th August (Mon)-23th September(Fri) 2016: 3 Participants
  • 2015
    22th August (Sat)-21th September(Mon) 2015: 4 Participants
  • 2014
    25th August (Mon)-19th September(Fri) 2014: 5 Participants
